strategies are used by students to help them understand information and solve
problems. A learning strategy is a person's approach to learning and using
information. Students who do not know or use good learning strategies often
learn passively and ultimately fail in school. Learning strategy instruction
focuses on making the students more active learners by teaching them how to
learn and how to use what they have learned to solve problems and be
What Study Strategies Help Students
Paraphrase from actual statements
Positive :
This need some mental processing so more effective than simply writing down
: Need more time to think
b. Underlining
Underlining or highlighting to some
important words
: Easily find some important terms
Negative : Most students fail to
make decisions about what material is most critical. When student underline the
one sentence they do retain more. Because deciding need a higher level of
c. Summarizing
Writing brief statements that represent
the main ideas of the informastion being read
Positive :
Student know what is important and what is not
Negative :
Retention or written material are not well understood
d. Writing
to Learn
Writing again what student understand
with actual statement
Positive :
This condition help students learn the content they are writing about
Negative :
Sometime student’s statement near same but false because less of journal
e. Outlining
and Networking/Mapping
Outlining is representing the main
points of material in hierarchical format
Mapping is diagramming main ideas and
the connections between them
Positive :
Help student visually and force to remember material
Negative :
f. The
PQ4R Method
A study strategy that has students
preview, question, read, reflect, recite, and review material
1. Preview
– Pay attention to major topics and subtopics
2. Question
– invent 5W+1H
3. Read
– Read according question that you posed prior to reading
4. Reflect
on the material – a. Relating with what you already know
b. Relating to subtopics with major topics
c. Trying to resolve contradiction with
present information
d. Trying to use material to resolve other
5. Recite
– Practice remembering the information by asking and answering question
6. Reviw
– Actively review the material
Positive :
Focuses students on the meaningful organization of information and involves
them in such as generation, elaboration, and distibuted practice
Negative :
Need more time to organize. This condition need consistency and intention
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